“There is no mistaking you have arrived in Twin Peaks…” Broadway WorldThe Pink Room Burlesque is a tribute to and satire of the works of David Lynch. Since the anniversary of Laura Palmer’s death in February of 2011, Francine and The Pink Room cast …

“There is no mistaking you have arrived in Twin Peaks…” Broadway World

The Pink Room Burlesque is a tribute to and satire of the works of David Lynch. Since the anniversary of Laura Palmer’s death in February of 2011, Francine and The Pink Room cast have covered everything from Twin Peaks, Fire Walk With Me, Blue Velvet, Wild At Heart, Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive, Eraserhead, Dune & Inland Empire. The Pink Room’s biggest event of the year is the Miss Twin Peaks Pageant at Joe’s Pub!

The Pink Room has also presented shows such as X-Files Burlesque, Francine's Pink Room - a classic burlesque show featuring live jazz & Franny's FLICKS a burlesque tribute to cinema!